Record Indexing and Barcoding

record indexing and barcoding

Expert Record Indexing and Barcoding

All flat-pack boxes are bar-coded prior to delivery to the customer. Each box bar-code carries a unique six-digit bar-code number that will remain in the ownership of the customer for the storage lifecycle of each box. Box bar-codes are scanned by DSM on collection from the customer’s site and they are then uploaded electronically to DSM’s database (Total Recall). Any box description displayed by the customer on the outside of the box will also be uploaded by DSM. The description can be a e.g. a box number, a numerical range, a date range, or a word description as required by the customer. Customers have the option of keeping a record of all files in each box themselves or they can catalogue them individually on-line on DSM’s database prior to sending them to off-site storage. DSM will provide the customer with individual seven-digit bar-codes which can be affixed by the customer to each file. DSM will also provide a telephone ‘help-line’ to customers throughout this process. When the boxes are sent off-site DSM will further verify the contents of each box to ensure the full integrity of the data on its database. DSM will also catalogue files individually for customers when needed. To find out more about our record indexing and barcoding service for your business call +353 61 332 206  

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