Industry Standards

DSM holds the Information Security Standard ISO 27001:2013 and its certificate valid until 31/10/2025.

1. ISO 9001:2015 – an international standard that focuses on quality management systems.

2. ISO 27001:2013 – an international standard that proves our systems and processes are accredited for compliance with the highest standards of information security.

DSM is also accredited by the All-Ireland Business Foundation as a best-in-class SME in Ireland and also holds the award in 2021 for the best-in-class SME in Limerick City & County.

All DSM’s customers have access to our on-line records database, whereby they can view the full inventory of all records held in off-site storage and can request retrievals and schedule deliveries accordingly.

Our facility provides a secure 24/7 environment for all stored items including fire protection, internal and external CCTV and externally monitored burglar/fire alarms.

ISO 27001
ISO 9001
ISO 9001
ISO 27001

ISO Standards

DSM holds the Information Security Standard ISO 27001:2013 and its certificate valid until 31/10/2025
DSM also holds the Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015 and its certificate, valid until 08/06/2026